The Law of Attraction

Do you ever feel, in today's society, that you are waiting for Karma or the Law of Attraction to catch up with the fools pushing all of the far left ideologies.  Please, a 4 year old being able to decide what their gender is? Let's destroy all monuments that offend us?  Letting the less than 1% dictate what the 99% can we say or do?  Not being able to ask what your kids are being taught in school?  Having a president and Congress actually who hate America and American's

I never thought I would see this day.  It concerns the crap out of me and why we have let the few tell the mulitude what to do.  I saw this  picture that sums up what is going to happen to us some day.

I'm LDS and believe in the Book of Mormon.  It's a sacred record of two nations that were given the same instructions from God.  As long as you worship me, this land will be a place of safety and blessings.  Neither nation, in the end, followed these instructions and were destroyed, literally.

if you think for one minute that we are any different than those who have come before us, you're a fool.  The day of reckoning is coming.